Oct 1, 2007

Burden of Proof


Logically speaking, when a positive assertion or proposition is asserted, the burden of proof always lies on the one who is making the proposition. We, atheists, do not need to present any proof when we say that gods (including the Judeo-Christian god) and the supernatural do not exist. The positive assertion is always made by the believers and not by the unbelievers.

However, some would say that the “absence of proof is not the proof of absence.” If this reasoning is valid, then, it follows that all beliefs and assertion, no matter how ridiculous and improbable can be considered truthful. For instance, I could assert that there is actually a little green dragon that is living inside my ear. This assertion is true simply because I declare it to be true and I do not have any shred of evidence to support it. If this reasoning is true, then, all religions are equally valid. For instance, Hinduism is as truthful as Christianity. There is actually a triune god. The names of these persons in the triune god are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva – also known as the creator, preserver, and destroyer, respectively. However, I do not think that the so-called Christians would agree, in spite of the similarities in concepts.

If absence of proof is not proof of absence, then all legends, myths, and tall tales are equally truthful. My assertion that there is a little green dragon inside my ear is far less ridiculous in comparison to what are accepted as truthful in many religions.

We, atheists, are not obliged to present any proofs because there is simply nothing that we need to prove. The believers are the ones that need a lot of explaining to do. The atheist worldview is the rational and realistic worldview. Our faith is grounded on common sense and not on imaginary or wishful thinking or mere feelings.

Faith is only valid as long as it is grounded on evidence and not on mere feelings. The Christian Apostle, Saint Paul, clearly made a logical flaw when he said that faith is the evidence of the things not seen (HEBREWS 11:1). How can faith be the evidence of things not seen, if faith itself (in the Christian’s perspective) is devoid of any evidence? Faith itself needs evidence. Hence, faith cannot be presented as evidence!

1 comment:

  1. So basically you need evidence. If there is a God and an existence beyond this life, you won't know until this life has expired and you actually experience moments after death (if they exist).

    In my opinion, this fact makes the moment of death exiting!


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