Jan 4, 2007

Partial List of Logical Fallacies


  1. Abusive Ad Hominem
  2. Accent
  3. Accident
  4. Ad Baculum
  5. Ad Consequentiam
  6. Ad Crumenum
  7. Ad Hoc Rescue
  8. Ad Hominem
  9. Ad Ignorantiam
  10. Ad Misericordiam
  11. Ad Novitatem
  12. Ad Numerum
  13. Ad Populum
  14. Ad Verecundiam
  15. Affirming the Consequent
  16. Against the Person
  17. Amphiboly
  18. Anecdotal Evidence
  19. Anthropomorphism
  20. Appeal to Authority
  21. Appeal to Consequence
  22. Appeal to Emotions
  23. Appeal to Force
  24. Appeal to Ignorance
  25. Appeal to the Masses
  26. Appeal to Money
  27. Appeal to the People
  28. Appeal to Pity
  29. Appeal to Snobbery
  30. Appeal to Vanity
  31. Appeal to Unqualified Authority
  32. Argument from Outrage
  33. Argument from Popularity
  34. Argumentum Ad ....
  35. Avoiding the Issue
  36. Avoiding the Question
  37. Bald Man
  38. Bandwagon
  39. Begging the Question
  40. Biased Sample
  41. Biased Statistics
  42. Bifurcation
  43. Black-or-White
  44. Circular Reasoning
  45. Circumstantial Ad Hominem
  46. Clouding the Issue
  47. Common Belief
  48. Common Cause.
  49. Common Practice
  50. Complex Question
  51. Composition
  52. Confirmation Bias
  53. Consensus Gentium
  54. Consequence
  55. Converse Accident
  56. Cover-up
  57. Cum Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc
  58. Definist
  59. Denying the Antecedent
  60. Digression
  61. Distraction
  62. Division
  63. Domino
  64. Double Standard
  65. Either/Or
  66. Equivocation
  67. Etymological
  68. Every and All
  69. Exaggeration
  70. Excluded Middle
  71. False Analogy
  72. False Cause
  73. False Dichotomy
  74. False Dilemma
  75. Far-Fetched Hypothesis
  76. Faulty Comparison
  77. Formal
  78. Four Terms
  79. Gambler's
  80. Genetic
  81. Group Think
  82. Guilt by Association
  83. Hasty Conclusion
  84. Hasty Generalization
  85. Heap
  86. Hooded Man
  87. Ignoratio Elenchi
  88. Ignoring a Common Cause
  89. Incomplete Evidence
  90. Inconsistency
  91. Intensional
  92. Invalid Reasoning
  93. Irrelevant Conclusion
  94. Irrelevant Reason
  95. Is-Ought
  96. Jumping to Conclusions
  97. Lack of Proportion
  98. Line-Drawing
  99. Loaded Language
  100. Logical
  101. Lying
  102. Maldistributed Middle
  103. Many Questions
  104. Misconditionalization
  105. Misleading Vividness
  106. Misrepresentation
  107. Missing the Point
  108. Modal
  109. Monte Carlo
  110. Name Calling
  111. Naturalistic
  112. Neglecting a Common Cause
  113. No Middle Ground
  114. No True Scotsman
  115. Non Causa Pro Causa
  116. Non Sequitur
  117. One-Sidedness
  118. Outrage, Argument from
  119. Oversimplification
  120. Past Practice
  121. Pathetic
  122. Perfectionist
  123. Persuasive Definition
  124. Petitio Principii
  125. Poisoning the Well
  126. Popularity, Argument from
  127. Post Hoc
  128. Prejudicial Language
  129. Questionable Analogy
  130. Questionable Cause
  131. Questionable Premise
  132. Quibbling
  133. Quoting out of Context
  134. Rationalization
  135. Red Herring
  136. Refutation by Caricature
  137. Regression
  138. Reversing Causation
  139. Scapegoating
  140. Scare Tactic
  141. Scope
  142. Secundum Quid
  143. Selective Attention
  144. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
  145. Sharpshooter's
  146. Slanting
  147. Slippery Slope
  148. Small Sample
  149. Smear Tactic
  150. Smokescreen
  151. Sorites
  152. Special Pleading
  153. Specificity
  154. Stacking the Deck
  155. Stereotyping
  156. Straw Man
  157. Style Over Substance
  158. Subjectivist
  159. Superstitious Thinking
  160. Suppressed Evidence
  161. Sweeping Generalization
  162. Syllogistic
  163. Tokenism
  164. Traditional Wisdom
  165. Tu Quoque
  166. Two Wrongs Make a Right
  167. Undistributed Middle
  168. Unfalsifiability
  169. Unrepresentative Sample
  170. Untestability
  171. Weak Analogy
  172. Willed ignorance
  173. Wishful Thinking

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